Kick Fear in the Bootay With These 7 Steps

Is fear stopping you in your tracks? Are you not doing something that would make all the difference in your life or business, because you're afraid of it? 

Fear invades us all. There is no real way to get away from it. But we can learn how to stay empowered and above the fear, it at least won't run your life. How you react to the circumstances in your life makes all the difference. 

Watch this video for 7 steps on how to kick fear in the behind and stay in the driver's seat. 

How You May Be Sabotaging Your Own Success and Personal Growth

As children, we are graded against each other, and we are picked against each other on the kick ball team during recess. As women, we grow up with supermodels and actresses in tiny bikinis, as our role models. We were born in competition and comparison.

The problem with this is: we are giving the wrong signals to the Universe that may be blocking our success and personal growth. 

Find out how to avoid this from happening and what to do in the event you find yourself in a position of jealousy or feeling less than awesome. 

What To Do When You Have Scatter Brain

We all get scattered from time to time. The to do list gets bigger and never seems to go away. Somehow our days are filled with stuff and super busy but nothing gets done. How is this possible? 

Watch this episode and find out why you may be getting scattered and what to do about it. 

Now it's your turn! Share with me how you stay focused and stay on track, I'd love to hear it! 

Wishing you lots of Spiritual Success, 

Monica Reyes


5 Ways to Stay Grounded When You're Having a Spiritual "Off" Day

I wish I could tell you that everyday will be filled with rainbows and butterflies. I wish I could tell you that you're going to feel amazing every single day, and there won't be downturns in your life. I would be lying. I also would be doing a disservice to you.

You see, our lives would be quite different without these downturns. We would be bland and exactly the same. The downturns are what shape us, refine us, humble us. They etch our "realness" into us so we can effectively help and serve humanity. They allow us to connect and to FEEL. They bring us perspective and strength. They are what make us human. I wouldn't want it any other way. 

There is a beauty in the breakdown, in the destruction of something old. In that destruction, lies a seed of new and better. And in new and better lies your happiness. It's the learning of life, and as we master each component, we grow and shape into who we're meant to be. Some of the learning is really hard and freaking sucks. And as you push yourself towards self-discovery, there is A LOT of learning. But what's right around the corner, is A LOT of happiness. A different kind of happiness. A deeper happiness. 

So how do we stay grounded and hunker down during our "learning time" or when we're having an "off" day?

  1. Remember You are Not alone. "The presence of fear is a sign, you're relaying on your own strength." - A Course of Miracles. We are not alone! We are SO far from it! The Universe has our back at all times. The world is a scary place when you think about about how small and fragile you are in this big unpredictable, scary world. But if you remember that you not only have your own strength to rely on, but the strength of the Universe, it's not so scary. And if you remember that at all times we are co-creating our lives with the Universe, all of a sudden we feel a little more powerful.  When was the last time you asked the Universe for direction or clarity on a situation? If it is anything less than daily, it's time to start. Especially when you're feeling down or powerless. Ask the Universe for strength or gratitude or love. Whatever you feel at the moment will bring you out of the funk. 

  2. Connect to Love. Love and fear cannot exist at the same time. So if you're feeling down, purposefully connect to love. Get around kids or puppies. Volunteer or serve. Get in front of nature or call your best friend. If you ask the Universe that this is what you need, the Universe will provide you with the way, the opportunity for love. Gratitude is the fastest way to raise your vibration. The first thing I tell my client when they sign on with me is to start a daily gratitude list. 5 Things they are grateful for (1 about themselves). This connects you to the vibration of gratitude, your heart opens, and you begin to align and attract what you love and desire. When our vibration is low, we are negative and we align and attract  things that are low in vibration such as sickness, disease, lack, bad luck etc. 
  3. Get Reconnected to the Universe. Meditation and practicing mindfulness are the best tools for reconnecting to the Universe. By practicing either of these, your capacity of awareness increases, allowing you to catch limiting behavior so you can correct it. You begin to live in the present more often so you are out of your head and out of the past and future. Your stress is reduced significantly and your ability to be neutral during tough times are increased. You'll probably experience synchronicities or coincidences more often, as you align and become more in tuned with the rhythm of the Universe. You'll feel lighter, and things will flow more easily. 
  4. Breathe. When in doubt, breathe. It's free, and always with you at all times. It is run by the intelligence of the Universe, so it will always bring you back to the present. Just breathe, focus on your breathing, and reconnect to the beauty of the stillness that lives within you. This will ground you immediately to the NOW. The now is where your power lies. You lose your power when you are in the past (because you can't change it), and when you are in the future (because it is uncertain and unknown). All you ever have is NOW. 
  5. Accept the moment. Accept the moment as if you have chosen it. A quote from Eckart Tolle that impacted me the most in my life. This forces you to embrace where you are, which is the first step to changing your life. You cannot move on from where you are until you embrace and accept where you are. This also shifts your perspective from reaction to empowerment. A key element to being happy and positive.

These are just 5 ways to get you grounded. There are so many tools and ways available to us to keep us rooted during tumultuous times. The goal is to find the balance between rooted and flexible. We want to be grounded and solid but we also want to be able to flow with change and remain flexible to what life brings our way. Being too attached to anything- the way you do things, even being attached to having a good day, is not healthy and can keep us stuck. Accepting that life is always changing, that everything is temporary and has an impermanence to it, is important and helpful. Life will have it's ups and downs, it is how you react that makes all the difference. 

A phrase that got me through some of the hardest times was, "This too shall pass". And it always does. The sun will always shine after the darkness, because that is the cycle of life. And we are a part of that cycle. 

Share any other tips and tools that you use to get through these times, I'd love to hear them! If you're still having a hard time, I have a formula I use to get through any situation or block I'd love to share with you. Let's Chat!

Sending you all Spiritual Success!



Why YOU Should Go to the Women's Success Summit this November 19-21

TBT 5 years ago... I had just launched RKE Law Group only a few months prior with one of my partners. I was so young and new at EVERYTHING business. In an effort to bring in clients, I went to a BNI meeting (which I am still a part of and it's awesome), to see if I could join. I chose like the biggest group in Miami Dade to join so of course my category was already taken. But something magical happened that day. A women stood up during the meeting and mentioned she was going to this awesome event for women entrepreneurs right after and how amazing it way. So I went.. I was so happy I did. I learned more than I could imagine and met people I am still friends with today. I had no idea something so awesome existed and seeing this dynamic woman on stage (Michelle Villalobos, founder of the Summit) motivated the hell out of me. Here is a picture of me at my first summit: 

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Yep, that's me in the center. I felt just like I look- happy and in LOVE with the Summit. I wanted to be up there. I wanted to be like the women up on stage, making an impact and just being awesome and successful. I am visual so the best way for me to describe what happened to me that day is this: I went from being a Black & White TV to Color. From Analog to Digital. From flip phone to SMART. You get my drift. 

From then on I kept attending. It kept me motivated and inspired. Provided me with the tools I needed to be different and get clients. I quickly grew my law firm, and the minute I had the money I sponsored the event. I did this 3 or 4 times in a row and each time I got clients, I met incredible women, and I got up on stage. We got up there and sang one year. Another one we told our story. It was so empowering. Did you know that I had a HUGE fear of public speaking and the Summit is how I got over it? Yeah. Pure Awesomeness. 

And after all of this, I decided this year that I wanted to do my own conference. One where mindset and spirituality was integrated with business. And just 3 days later, Michelle Villalobos came into my office for a half-day session we had purchased and invited us to be a part of her Summit. Talk about manifestation! So now I am happy to say I am co-producing the Summit with Michelle and my partner Alexandra (owner of Embrace the Esquire), and guess what else? This year it has been expanded to include Mindset and Impact. So not only do you get all of the amazing value for your Business, you also get tools and topics surrounding your Mindset and how to best Impact the planet. 

Did you know that the Women's Success Summit was also just listed as one of the top 8 Conferences to go to this year? Check it out!

So here's the thing. You need to take an action to go. You need to register. But its' super easy and  so worth it. You can do it here.  

Early Bird Pricing just got extended to October 31- it was supposed to end today. We WILL sell out of this event this year ladies. 

And if you want to take it up a notch and sponsor this year, send me an email or message and I'll tell you about my experience, and what we have available. You can email me at 

With Lots of Love,


P.S. I also have this really awesome Kundalini Yoga and Business Awareness Workshop tomorrow. If you haven't already RSVP'd please do so. You know who you are! :) We have a limited amount of space.